How I Made $165k In My First Year Of Hypnotherapy
A seminar tracing my journey to $165k, showing you it is possible to turn your hypnotherapy passion into a successful business.
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It is possible to turn your hypnotherapy passion into a successful business.
Let me show you how I made $165,000 in my first year of hypnotherapy.
In this professionally recorded seminar, I share with you my trial and tribulations, breakthroughs and screw ups, frustration and jubilation on my way to cracking 6 figures in my hypnotherapy practice.
Only $97.
Not a bad price to pay for the learnings I had over the first 12 months in my business. I estimate spending well over $100,000, trying every tactic to grow my business.
Luckily you don't have to do that!
Just click on the Enrol button, grab a cup of tea, lock the door for an hour, and join me as I recount my journey.
I know you'll find some nuggets of wisdom in there!
Get started now!
Your Instructor
Helen Mitas is a world-renowned Hypnotherapy Trainer with over 2,000 Hypnotherapists from 15 countries who have undertaken her first class HypnoFit training.
Helen was awarded the esteemed title of 'Hypnotist of the Year' in 2018 by her peers at the Mid American Conference in Chicago. Helen's vision is to fill the world with empowered souls by making Hypnotherapy mainstream and the 'Go -To' Profession for life's biggest challenges.
Helen is the Author of the book 'Mindset Dominance' and has licensed the HypnoFit Brand with 5 HypnoFit Clinics in Australia & New Zealand. Helen has presented all over the world including New York, London, Las Vegas, Boston, Missouri, Chicago and throughout New Zealand & Australia.